


Schüler E, Acharya M, Montay-Gruel P, Loo BW Jr, Vozenin MC, Maxim PG. Ultra-high dose rate electron beams and the FLASH effect: From preclinical evidence to a new radiotherapy paradigm. Med Phys. 2022 Mar;49(3):2082-2095. doi: 10.1002/mp.15442.

Wu Y, No H, Breitkreutz DY, Mascia AE, Moeckli R, Bourhis J, Schüler E, Maxim PG, Loo BW. Technological Basis for Clinical Trials in FLASH Radiation Therapy: A Review. Applied Radiation Oncology. 2021 July; 10(2):6-14.

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FLASH Radiation Biology

Kim YE, Gwak SH, Hong BJ, Oh JM, Choi HS, Kim MS, Oh D, Lartey FM, Rafat M, Schüler E, Kim HS, von Eyben R, Weissman IL, Koch CJ, Maxim PG, Loo BW Jr, Ahn GO. Effects of Ultra-high doserate FLASH Irradiation on the Tumor Microenvironment in Lewis Lung Carcinoma: Role of Myosin Light Chain. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Apr 1;109(5):1440-1453. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2020.11.012.

Khan S, Bassenne M, Wang J, Manjappa R, Melemenidis S, Breitkreutz DY, Maxim PG, Xing L, Loo BW Jr, Pratx G. Multicellular Spheroids as In Vitro Models of Oxygen Depletion During FLASH Irradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Jul 1;110(3):833-844. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2021.01.050

Eggold JT, Chow S, Melemenidis S, Wang J, Natarajan S, Loo PE, Manjappa R, Viswanathan V, Kidd EA, Engleman E, Dorigo O, Loo BW Jr, Rankin EB. Abdominopelvic FLASH Irradiation Improves PD-1 Immune Checkpoint Inhibition in Preclinical Models of Ovarian Cancer. Mol Cancer Ther. 2022 Feb;21(2):371-381. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-21-0358.

Ha B, Liang K, Liu C, Melemenidis S, Manjappa R, Viswanathan V, Das N, Ashraf R, Lau B, Soto L, Graves EE, Rao J, Loo BW Jr, Pratx G. Real-time optical oximetry during FLASH radiotherapy using a phosphorescent nanoprobe. Radiother Oncol. 2022 Nov;176:239-243. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2022.08.011.

Jorge PG, Melemenidis S, Grilj V, Buchillier T, Manjappa R, Viswanathan V, Gondré M, Vozenin MC, Germond JF, Bochud F, Moeckli R, Limoli C, Skinner L, No HJ, Wu YF, Surucu M, Yu AS, Lau B, Wang J, Schüler E, Bush K, Graves EE, Maxim PG, Loo BW Jr, Bailat C. Design and validation of a dosimetric comparison scheme tailored for ultra-high dose-rate electron beams to support multicenter FLASH preclinical studies. Radiother Oncol. 2022 Oct;175:203-209. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2022.08.023.

Schüler, E., Trovati, S., King, G., Lartey, F., Rafat, M., Villegas, M., Praxel, A. J., Loo, B. W., Jr, & Maxim, P. G. (2017). Experimental platform for ultra-high dose rate FLASH irradiation of small animals using a clinical linear accelerator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 97(1), 195–203. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijrobp...

Simmons, D. A., Lartey, F. M., Schüler, E., Rafat, M., King, G., Kim, A., Ko, R., Semaan, S., Gonzalez, S., Jenkins, M., Pradhan, P., Shih, Z., Wang, J., von Eyben, R., Graves, E. E., Maxim, P. G., Longo, F. M., & Loo, B. W., Jr (2019). Reduced cognitive deficits after FLASH irradiation of whole mouse brain are associated with less hippocampal dendritic spine loss and neuroinflammation. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 139, 4–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc...

Levy, K., Natarajan, S., Wang, J., Chow, S., Eggold, J. T., Loo, P., Manjappa, R., Lartey, F. M., Schüler, E., Skinner, L., Rafat, M., Ko, R., Kim, A., Rawi, D. A., von Eyben, R., Dorigo, O., Casey, K. M., Graves, E. E., Bush, K., Yu, A. S., Koong, A. C., Maxim, P. G., Loo, B. W., Jr, & Rankin, E. B. (2019). FLASH irradiation enhances the therapeutic index of abdominal radiotherapy for the treatment of ovarian cancer. bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2019.12.12.873414

Soto, L. A., Casey, K. M., Wang, J., Blaney, A., Manjappa, R., Breitkreutz, D., Skinner, L., Dutt, S., Ko, R. B., Bush, K., Yu, A. S., Melemenidis, S., Strober, S., Englemann, E., Maxim, P. G., Graves, E. E., & Loo, B. W., Jr (2020). FLASH irradiation results in reduced severe skin toxicity compared to conventional-dose-rate irradiation. Radiation Research, 10.1667/RADE-20-00090. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1667/rade-20-00090

Ko, R. B., Soto, L. A., von Eyben, R., Melemenidis, S., Rankin, E. B., Maxim, P. G., Graves, E. E., & Loo, B. W., Jr (2020). Evaluating the reproducibility of mouse anatomy under rotation in a custom immobilization device for conformal FLASH radiotherapy. Radiation Research, 10.1667/RADE-20-00095. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1667/RADE-20-00095

Core Accelerator And RF Power Research

Tantawi, S. G., Nasr, M., Li, Z., Limborg, C., & Borchard, P. (2020). Design and demonstration of a distributed-coupling linear accelerator structure. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 23(9). https://doi.org/10.1103/physr...

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